The reliability of a quality label stands or falls with its assurance. This is well arranged in the case of Milieukeur.
The Milieukeur criteria are drawn up with input from the parties involved, under the responsibility of SMK’s Board of Experts Non-food. Represented on this board are producer organizations, retailers, the government, scientists, environmental experts, and end-users. Through public hearings, further coordination takes place with companies and civil society organizations, among others, before the criteria are developed. This working method ensures broad public support.
With the Milieukeur certificate, organizations make their sustainability efforts transparent and reliable. Both in the business-to-business and business-to-consumer segments.
Independent inspection
The development and revision of certification schemes and the monitoring and certification of products/services are carried out in accordance with European product certification standards (ISO/IEC 17065). Independent certification bodies check whether products, processes, or services comply with the Ecolabel criteria. Certification takes place under the supervision of the Dutch Accreditation Council.
Fixed procedures and public support
SMK project managers coordinate the development process of Milieukeur criteria according to clear-cut procedures under the responsibility of the Board of Experts non-food.
Advisory committees, consisting of companies, retail and civil society organisations, as well as specialized researchers support the project managers during the process.
Public hearings then serve the purpose to fine-tune the criteria and gain social support. It is the task of the Board of Experts to give final consent to criteria and the process through which they have come about.
Regular and independent checks
Independent certification bodies regularly check whether products or services fulfil the Milieukeur criteria. These bodies are accredited by the Dutch Accreditation Council and have to demonstrate that they conduct expert, reliable and unbiased checks.
The development and revision of certification schemes and the inspection and certification of the products / services are carried out according to the European standards for product certification (ISO / IEC 17065). Certification takes place under the supervision of the Dutch Accreditation Council.
The development process
The certification schemes of Milieukeur are developed under the responsibility of the SMK Board of Experts Non-food. This Board consists of experts from the interested social sectors. They have final responsibility for the development of the requirements and are advised by interested parties in guidance committees and hearings. Ultimately, the Board of Experts establishes the objective criteria for more sustainable production and business operations.